TUESDAY, June 18, 2024

12:00 P.M. at KMFA's Draylen Mason Music Studio

The delightful quintet Cover to Cover returns to the Draylen Mason Music Studio for Summer Stories, an original musical program for kids of all ages. 

The program will include stories inspired by Aesop's Fables set to the music of Florence Price, a new story set to Samuel Barber's Summer Music, and frogtastic fun with Jenni Brandon's Five Frogs. Join us for a whimsical adventure celebrating beautiful music, captivating stories and the unique joys of summer.

This concert is free and open to the public. Please RSVP below to reserve your seat!



Cover to Cover

Cover to Cover is an Austin-based, modified wind quintet that formed in the Fall of 2022. Formed at UT Austin’s Butler School of Music, the ensemble strives to present lesser-heard works and incorporate extra-musical elements into their performances. All passionate educators as well as performers, the members of Cover to Cover believe chamber music has an incredible power to engage and inspire new audiences, and look forward to putting this mission into action at KMFA!


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41 Navasota Street

Austin, TX 78702

United States





Alongside thousands of listener-contributors, businesses, foundations, and arts partners, KMFA is supported in part by awards from the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department, the Texas Commission on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
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